Monday, June 28, 2010

A Story, please.

The light is soft and focussed on an old, three-legged stool on the stage. The stool is alone.

Enter Trevor. Trevor is a young man, somewhere in his late teens or early twenties. He wears a monochromatic, unsaturated t-shirt and jeans. His hair is done half-heartedly in the predominant style of his area.

TREVOR: So, then. I sit here?

VOICE: Yes, there. Remember, this is a timed occasion, and we are very grateful for your participation.

TREVOR: Alright.

A beat.

TREVOR: What did you want me to say?

VOICE: Tell a story.

TREVOR: About what?

VOICE: About anything, Trevor.

TREVOR: How do you know my name? They said-

VOICE: Trevor, yours is not to worry-

TREVOR: Your's is not to worry? What is thi-

VOICE: -about what we do and how we do it. Be quiet while I speak. You are going to tell a story, right now. This is a timed occasion and we are very grateful for your participation.

A beat.

VOICE: You may start whenever.

TREVOR: I am not quite sure if I want to start. You are being quite forceful about it.

VOICE: I am not. I am being forward with you. As I should be. This is, after all, a timed occasion and we are-

TREVOR: And we are very grateful for your participation, yes, okay, I've got it.

VOICE: Good. Now you may tell a story.

TREVOR: About?

VOICE: Today. You may tell a story about today. Or any other day. Or whenever. Just tell a story

TREVOR: Okay, today. Right. Well, I woke up, and walked up to the window. And, oh, boy, this was strange indeed, I saw a--

VOICE: Times up! Thank you for coming and your participation!


VOICE: Thank you for your participation, Trevor. You may exit through the door you came through.

TREVOR: But I didn't get to tell my story!

VOICE: Thank you for your participation, we appreciate it. You may exit through the door you came through.

TREVOR: I was just starting though. You can't just-

VOICE: Bugger off, kid. You're done. You shouldn't have screwed around so much with the fluff. You should have just told your story. Now stand up and get out.


VOICE: Thank you for your participation. We ask now that you leave the testing area.

Exit Trevor

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