Monday, June 28, 2010

A Story, please.

The light is soft and focussed on an old, three-legged stool on the stage. The stool is alone.

Enter Trevor. Trevor is a young man, somewhere in his late teens or early twenties. He wears a monochromatic, unsaturated t-shirt and jeans. His hair is done half-heartedly in the predominant style of his area.

TREVOR: So, then. I sit here?

VOICE: Yes, there. Remember, this is a timed occasion, and we are very grateful for your participation.

TREVOR: Alright.

A beat.

TREVOR: What did you want me to say?

VOICE: Tell a story.

TREVOR: About what?

VOICE: About anything, Trevor.

TREVOR: How do you know my name? They said-

VOICE: Trevor, yours is not to worry-

TREVOR: Your's is not to worry? What is thi-

VOICE: -about what we do and how we do it. Be quiet while I speak. You are going to tell a story, right now. This is a timed occasion and we are very grateful for your participation.

A beat.

VOICE: You may start whenever.

TREVOR: I am not quite sure if I want to start. You are being quite forceful about it.

VOICE: I am not. I am being forward with you. As I should be. This is, after all, a timed occasion and we are-

TREVOR: And we are very grateful for your participation, yes, okay, I've got it.

VOICE: Good. Now you may tell a story.

TREVOR: About?

VOICE: Today. You may tell a story about today. Or any other day. Or whenever. Just tell a story

TREVOR: Okay, today. Right. Well, I woke up, and walked up to the window. And, oh, boy, this was strange indeed, I saw a--

VOICE: Times up! Thank you for coming and your participation!


VOICE: Thank you for your participation, Trevor. You may exit through the door you came through.

TREVOR: But I didn't get to tell my story!

VOICE: Thank you for your participation, we appreciate it. You may exit through the door you came through.

TREVOR: I was just starting though. You can't just-

VOICE: Bugger off, kid. You're done. You shouldn't have screwed around so much with the fluff. You should have just told your story. Now stand up and get out.


VOICE: Thank you for your participation. We ask now that you leave the testing area.

Exit Trevor

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

To kick it off, light music.

I'm not going to throw a lot of deep thoughts out. In fact, I'm going to post a link that is relevant to my current musical interests and my childhood...

It's a collection by a guy named Sonic Walter of NES and N64 game themes. They're dubbed over with rap lyrics. They are electronic. You can listen here.